Get up to 50% off on Unilever Personal Care products at Shopee!

Our ultimate safety blanket against this pandemic is social distancing and proper hygiene. When we associate ourselves to the outside world, we would be exposed to the virus and might pass it on to our family as we go home. In order for us to prevent that from happening, our number one priority is to always WASH OUR HANDS.

Washing our hands is the best way to prevent the virus from getting on one person to the other. With this, we should only trust brands that live up to the promise of 99.9% germ protection and antibacterial so that we’re guaranteed that we’re protected against COVID-19 and other viruses.

Unilever is out there helping us fight this battle as they offer us great deals in the Shopee app with their Lifebuoy Antibacterial Handwash and Lifebuoy Hands Sanitized Pack. Imagine scoring amazing discounts and promos while availing good products that may help you go against viruses that harm your whole family. 

Stay safe and protected by adding handwashing to your routine every now and then with Lifebuoy Antibacterial Handwash. Keep also the Lifebuoy Hand Sanitizer in your bags so once you touch anything outside and a running water isn’t available yet, disinfect with the sanitizer. Make sure to pack some for you kids as well if they will go out or be exposed with other people.

Unilever also set a bundle of Dove Deeply Nourishing Body Wash that’s really a great deal in the Shopee app. Check out your favorite Dove products in your one stop shop, Shopee, and moisturize your body while you prevent your skin from stripping off from natural oils.

Unilever will always be my go-to brand and I’m so happy that they are partnering with Shopee in making accessibility easy. You can also score free delivery and big discounts on the ShopeeMall so make sure to always check the ShopeeMall tab in your favorite app.

If you still don’t have the app, remind yourself of the big savings you’re missing out. Make sure to download the app in the Appstore or Playstore. Together, let’s make shopping virtually a thing so that we can limit our interaction to the outside world, especially at this time. 

Keep yourself protected and safe for your whole family.

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