SANGOBION SYMPTOM PATROL: Iron Deficiency Anemia - Rochelle Rivera


During my spare time (like a serious me time and nothing to do), I go through all of my social media accounts and as I was scanning through some tweets, I came across this very Intriguing tweet about iron deficiencies. At first, I thought it was nothing, but it caught my attention when I noticed that they are replying to several tweets that mentions pagod, hilo and putla, and informing people that those are symptoms of Iron deficiency anemia.
Social media is a really big help to us people today. Because of social media, Merck Consumer Health was able to listen and determine that there are a lot of Filipino, complaining on social media, that are suffering from the symptoms of Iron deficiency anemia, and according to their survey, mostly are from Manila and Quezon City. They have determined that 1 out of 4 women in their reproductive age are most vulnerable to this kind of deficiency. 
Merck Consumer Health, through Sangobion brand, came up with the idea to spread the awareness regarding this concern. They launched, Sangobion Symptom Patrol on Twitter (@SymptomPatrol). This twitter account is the one who’s actively replying to the tweets that has the symptoms of Iron deficiency anemia.

Aside from spreading the awareness on social media, Sangobion Symptom Patrol also appeared on selected Mercury Drug Branches around Manila and Quezon City to host a blood check from October 19 to 30. This is to make sure that everyone in the community will be able to know if they have Iron deficiency anemia.

When I heard about the Sangobion blood check, I made sure to drop by at Laong Laan, Sampaloc last October 30. Gladly, I had no iron deficiency anemia! But I made sure that I’ll take in vitamins to avoid the pagod, hilo, and putla.

Personally, I’m glad that Sangobion brand launched this Sangobion Symptom Patrol, this will not just help people with their health but will also be able to help in boosting everyone’s performances at work or school. As a mom, who has a lot of house chores, activities and has boys that are so active, I must keep up with them and avoid pagod, hilo, and putla.
To know more about Sangobion Symptom Patrol, you can check out their Facebook page: 

You can also watch the video here: 

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  1. Sangobion din pina-take ng OB ko after ko manganak before.

  2. After i gave birth, pina take din ako nito. I guess will try this again kasi badly need this lately. Having hard time sleeping and minsan may hilo at pagod ryt after im done wd house chores too at pag dede time na. Minsan nakkapagod talaga at home and we need to address symptoms na gaya nyan.

  3. Need talaga po natin ng iron sa katawan kahit hindi po tayu kulang sa iron.

  4. I haven't encountered using this for myself pero pnagamit ng vet ko to sa poodle ko when he had Erlichia Canis and this saved my baby's life.

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