Feng Shui
October 10, 2014
What's in store for us according to International Feng Shui Master Marites Allen
I was lucky to be invited to the press conference of Ms. Marites Allen held at the Luxent Hotel as she made the following important announcements that would be great interest for everyone to know:
(1) Latest developments about Frigga Charmed Life and the opening of its first boutique in November.
(2) Details of the 2015 Feng Shui Updates for the Year of the Wood Sheep.
(3) Schedules of the Feng Shui Convention in different countries and Meet and Greet schedules for the Chinese New Year in Manila.
So excited for you to find out what it is all about :-)
First is the great news about the opening of the first-ever Frigga Charmed Life boutique in its flagship store at the SM Mall of Asia on November 19, 2014 which looks to be a very auspicious day.
For feng shui believers, it is that one day of the year when the Wood element rules the day, month, and year. Wood, one of the five elements that govern the practice of feng shui, is believed to represent growth, creativity, and stability. No wonder that international feng shui master Marites Allen has chosen 11/19/2014.
Marites shares that since her line of auspicious fashion launched its online site www.frigga.co.uk in March this year, it has shipped to over 16 countries worldwide and continues to enjoy patronage from loyal followers everywhere. Weeks after the online launch, letters from happy and satisfied customers shared their inspiring stories about how the innovative fashion appeared to have fast-tracked the answers to their wishes.
The concept of Frigga is firmly based on established feng shui principles that proper alignment and balancing of the five natural elements (Wood, Earth, Water, Fire and Metal) can attract prosperity and harmony into our lives.
Wearing Frigga-inspired fashion can be likened to wearing one's lucky charms and carrying auspiciousness wherever one goes.
The second announcement is about the 2015 Feng Shui updates for the Year of The Wood Sheep.
February 19, 2015 until February 7, 2016 is marked in the Chinese lunar calendar as the Year of the Wood Sheep. For feng shui believers, the Sheep represents the eight year in the 12-year cycle of the Chinese Calendar. In Chinese Culture, number eight is a symbol of auspicious fortune. To some, this could be an indication that after a challenging 2014, the Year of the Wood Sheep will be a period of good fortune, peace and abundance.
International feng shui Marites Allen has both good and bad news. "Yes great prospects are indicated for next year," she says because "the Sheep is one of the better signs of the Chinese zodiac. It is know for its mild and peaceful ways." The destiny chart for 2015 has indications of all the five elements, and all the four pillars of the charts, so generally it is a better chart than 2014, which has too much Fire and missing Earth and Water Elements." In addition, the two (2) sets of astrological "secret friends" of Tiger & Boar, Horse & Sheep are all present in the four pillars of the chart, which means a very rare opportunity and could very well indicate great luck, auspicious energies for the year and a peaceful resolution of any issues at hand.
Other positive indications in the destiny chart for next year that should serve as guidance to those individuals who have the presence of Wood, Water and Earth elements on their destiny charts. This would mean that they are on for a great year!
"What matters is that people should be well-informed, be ready to make full use of the positive energies, and stay protected from the negative ones that will emerge next year."
To help feng shui followers keep abreast of these destiny indications, Marites conducts an Annual Feng Shui Convention a couple of months before the onset of the lunar new year. This time, which is different from the previous conventions, Ms. Allen will request all participants to attend the event with their destiny charts printed (else, they have to come early to the venue and print it from there), so participants can follow Ms. Allen's presentation and check whether or not the individual destiny charts have the three major elements mentioned above.
This year the convention will be held on December 27, 2014 at the Luxent Hotel in Timog Avenue, Quezon City.
Participants can look forward to learning:
• valuable tips on how to unlock the good potentials of the year and how to create great opportunities out of them.
• how to protect themselves from the negative energies that may hinder them from achieving their personal goals.
• unveils the latest designs from Frigga Charmed Life.
Because travel is a key aspect for 2015, there will also be lots of suggestions on how to stay safe during travel.
Participants get to learn not only general prospects for the year, but also forecasts on career, relationships, health and many aspects for each Chinese zodiac animal sign. Top quality luck enhancers, including the unique line of auspicious fashion labelled Frigga Charmed Life, will also be available for sale during the event. So make sure to check out and book your slots now at the exciting Feng Shui Convention happening on December.
Other Schedules of Ms. Marites Allen:
January 17, 2014 Annual Feng Shui Updates in Tokyo
January 22-25 London
January 28, 2015-February 20 Chinese New Year events and mall tours in the Philippines
March 2, 2015 Sweden
March 3, 2015 Denmark
March 7, 2015 Oslo, Norway
March 8, 2015 Kristian Sand, Norway
Ms. Marites Allen also celebrated her birthday with us at the event held last October 9, 2014.
Happy Birthday Ms. Marites Allen
More blessings to you and for all of us ♥
May you have prosperous year ahead :-)
For more information and details about Frigga Charmed Life,
MOBILE NUMBER: 09209509390
LANDLINE: 478-6378; 576-5323
WEBSITE www.frigga.co.uk
Tell me what you think? I would love to hear your comments and suggestions.
Much Love, Rochelle

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Thank you! I really appreciate it!
honestly, i don't believe in Feng Shui, but i do respect someones preference in life, well, maybe it's just a matter of opinion being cast out by a chosen one (?), a gift or merely coincidence....for me it will only make life complicated if i keep on abiding on something that is beyond imaginable, something that is to be proven yet,
ReplyDeleteI'm also not so much a fan of feng shui but I do respect people who are. :) Beliefs are a good institution of establishing a person' personality.
ReplyDeleteComments? Questions? Suggestions?
Please I would love to read about it.
I will reply to you as soon as I can and visit your site too.
But please no spam comments. All comments are subject to review before approving.
Thank you very much! Maraming Salamat! Arigatou gozaimasu!