Healthy Tips
Press Release
June 23, 2014
Back to School, Back to Pimples 8 Myths and Facts About Teen Acne
that school is in, all students want to bring their best foot forward,
especially during first day of classes. However, when teenagers start getting
acne and bad skin, no amount of cosmetic products can cover this up. These are major
self-esteem downers, making teens self-conscious, stopping them from enjoying
life to the fullest.
who have acne suffer on many levels, physically, psychologically and
emotionally. The worst feeling they have is lack of control. It completely
undermines their confidence and as a result they often 'absent' themselves from
joining in activities because they are so self-conscious about how they look.
to a recent UK study entitled “Acne Vulgaris: Causes, Consequence, and
Potential Treatment,” prevalence of
self-reported acne among individuals age 15-25 is as high as 91%. That is 9 out
of every 10 individuals who experience depression, anger, low
self-esteem and frustrations. “Teenagers can increasingly face psychological,
emotional and social problems because of pimples. Creating an empowering
atmosphere is important to help teens overcome these struggles,” says Dr. Susan
A. Estanislao, Counseling Psychologist from De La Salle University,
skin care plays an important role in preventing acne-causing bacteria from
forming. Regular washing of face with an antimicrobial soap helps
remove surface bacteria from skin.
Safeguard Derma Sense gives teens
control over their acne by shielding them against bacteria, helping them face
up to acne, and face up to their dreams.
Although basic skin care is something that all of us are aware of,
there are still some teens who fall trap to different myths in addressing acne
issues, which most of the time result to severe acne condition.
Below are 8 common myths and facts about
teenagers’ acne:
Myth: Acne
is Mostly Red Spots on the Face
Fact: Acne Types are Difficult to Decipher and are on the Face, Plus
It was famously said that acne is mostly
red spots on the face. But the truth is, it can be found on your shoulder,
body, torso, etc. There are different kinds of acne that is spread on your body
like pimples,
cysts, nodules and blocked pores, non-inflammatory, inflammatory, mild, moderate,
severe, etc.
Unhealthy Food Causes Acne
Fact: Bacteria Is The Chief Villain
Food like chocolate, soda, peanuts, etc.
was said to cause acne. The truth is, the bacteria are the chief villain. “So
far, no studies have shown a direct correlation between junk food and breakouts
or acne,” said David Bank, a dermatologist in Mount Kisco, New York.
Myth: Acne
is infectious
Fact: Acne is not infectious
According to Dr. Mia Leuenberger,
Fellow of Philippine Dermatological Society, acne is an inflammatory disorder
that is neither infectious, nor contagious at all. It is a hereditary disorder
that has trigger factors but definitely not something you pass on through your
Myth: Acne
is a Physical Problem
Fact: Scarring Is More Than Superficial
Most teenagers nowadays tend to see acne
as a physical problem, but the truth is the hidden cost for acne is shyness and
despair. It is not just about the acne itself but it also lead to behavioral,
psychological and social side-effects.
Myth: Acne
Will Run Its Course
Fact: Acne Management Needs To Start Early With Good Cleansing
An interesting misconception is
that some teens just let their acne stay on their faces until “mahinog.”
According to Dr. Leuenberger, this is not a good idea because once it bursts
and raptures on the inside, that’s the start of scar formation. Acne doesn’t
just come and go. It will stay there if it is not treated properly. Deep
cleansing of the skin to control the level of skin oils and microbial levels is
important and consult the dermatologist as well.
6. Myth: Popping
pimples will help them go away faster.
Fact: Popping can cause it to stay around
Teenager’s first aid to acne is to pop it, wishing it can be gone like
nothing happened. But the truth is, by squeezing pimples and zits, you can
actually push bacteria, dead skin cells, and oil further into the skin, causing
more swelling and redness — and sometimes causing a red or brown mark or scar
to form.
7. Myth: Stress
produces acne.
Fact: Stress doesn’t produce breakout but
stress can cause body to produce excess oil that clogs on pores.
When you’re under stress, your body tends to produce more hormones that
stimulate oil-producing glands to work overtime. Oily skin is more prone to
acne and stress is shown to make your acne worse.
Myth: If you wash your
face more often, this will help clear up your acne.
too much can lead to dryness and irritation, causing more breakouts.
Washing your face is the first treatment to acne, but washing too much
can lead to dryness and irritation that can cause more breakouts. The rule is
to wash your face twice a day with mild soap and water.
Tell me what you think? I would love to hear your comments and suggestions.
Much Love, Rochelle

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Thank you! I really appreciate it!
ohh,. this is true for me, lalo na nung highshool ako,. sa sobrang stress sa studies sabayan pa ng puyat during exams hindi maiwasan magka-acne,.
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Thank you very much! Maraming Salamat! Arigatou gozaimasu!