Mother's Day Giveaway and Promo ♥ - Rochelle Rivera

Mother's Day Giveaway and Promo ♥

Mother's Day is right around the corner. Show her how much she means to you by giving her the best gift and you don't have to break the bank. 

My favorite brands and companies has a giveaway that can win you free Mother's Day gifts that will make the day for your mom, grandma or wife. 

Why not try your luck with this awesome giveaways and promo?

To celebrate the upcoming Mother’s Day, Lemon Square Power Pops launched the Power Shop for Power Pops Moms promo. 
It’s an online contest with the easiest mechanics! It’s a simple sharing of your best photo with your loving moms on your Facebook timelines answering the question, Why do you love your mom?.
Here are the actual Mechanics as written in the photo above:
Participants must like the Powerpops FB page at https://www.facebook.com/Powerpops
♥ Upload your best photo with your mom on your timeline and state reasons why you love her as the caption. Tag @Powerpops FB page and include the hashtag #PowerShopForPowerPopsMoms to be considered an official entry. 

Prizes: Three winners will be selected to get a hold of Sodexo gift certificates plus gift packs from Power Pops.

Consolation prizes in a form of gift packs will be given to 5 other participants. 

1st PlaceP10,000 worth of Sodexo and Power Pops gift packs
2nd PlaceP5,000 worth of Sodexo and Power Pops gift packs
3rd PlaceP3,000 worth of Sodexo and Power Pops gift packs

  • Entries will be judged according to the following criteria: photo creativity and presentation (50%), “Why I love my mom” statement originality (40%) and Power Pops judges’ personal choice (10%).
  • Promo is valid nationwide. Promo period is from April 21 – May 9, 2014
  • Winners of the promo will be announced via Powerpops FB page on May 12, 2014.

What do you thank you mom for?
Comment below on this post: CLICK HERE

End your statement with hashtag: #CelebrateMoms #BifestaPH

♥ Prizes: 20 lucky winners of Bifesta Wipes. 

Automatic Centre "I have the Best Mom Contest"

Like Automatic Centre Facebook Page
♥ Take a creative photo of you and your mom. 
♥ Post the photo on your timeline, tag @Automatic Centre's Facebook page and explain in 100 words or less why you have the best mom with the hashtag #AutomaticAngLoveKoSaNanayKo

Open to Metro Manila residents only
♥ The 10 best entries per week will be selected and 1 winner will be declared. 

Prizes: Asahi Electric Oven, Dowell Induction Cooker, MyPhone Rio, Moulinex Shredder. 

To join:


What makes your Mom #1
Share what makes your mom #1 and they will transform your statement into a one-of-kind shirt that you can give your mom on Mother's Day! 

Prizes: 2,000 FREE personalized shirts designed by BENCH are up for grabs! 

Join now at www.nido-fortified.ph for more information click here

Nuffnang Philippines x Marks Spencer Philippines STYLE YOUR MOM BLOGGERS CONTEST

"If you could style your mom, how would you do it?"

1. Style your mom using at least 2 M&S Products (accessories, tops, bottoms, dresses, shoes, etc) Show some creative styling and make sure to take high fashion photos! 

2.  Flaunt and Post it. Write about the style inspiration/reason behind why you styled your mom that way. Make sure your blog title is "Styled my Mom with M&S"

3. Share the link of your blog entry on the Marks & Spencer Facebook page, or Twitter or their Instagram account. Don't forget to mention @MarksSpencerPH with the hashtag #MarksSpencerMom

Prizes: Three lucky winners will win P10,000 gift vouchers each. 

Tell me what you think? I would love to hear your comments and suggestions.

THANKS, Much Love, Rochelle

LIKE MY PAGE ON FACEBOOK  for more updates and photos.
SUBSCRIBE TO rochellerivera.com by EMAIL 
FOLLOW @rochellemiko on TWITTER 
FOLLOW @rochellemiko on INSTAGRAM 
Thank you!  I really appreciate it!

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  1. There's a lot of promo and giveaways. I joined some of them and hope to win for my mom. Really thankful for this post, nagkaron kami ng chance para maupdate what we can give to our moms. <3 Thank you ms. rochelle for sharing, Godbless you! advance happy mother's day pretty mom!

  2. Thanks for this post, Ms. Rochelle! I've joined the Nido and Powerpops promos. I'll join the others. :D

  3. I agree, yung pinaka-una yung madali haha! Thanks for sharing us these giveaways and promos!

  4. thanks for sharing these giveaways & promos, halos lahat nasalihan ko especially yung sa NIDO,.

  5. thanks for sharing Ms. Rochelle. Happy Mother's day!

  6. Wow, just read this blog, and I feel sad that I've missed it.


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