My last post for year 2013.
Year 2013, I won't say it has been a good year for me.
Losing my beloved grandmother was devastating but I know that she’s in a better place. I know that without a doubt in my mind and that's my peace of mind in all this. She must be enjoying in heaven right now and one day I hope to be with her again but for now, I pray that I can grow older than her. I wish that I can reach until the age of 80 so that I can still see my grandkids grow up and take care of them as well, just like how my grandmother took care of us.
I have encountered so much trials as a mother. My son, Niko, had dengue and my youngest, Elijah, was hospitalized due to his asthma just right after my grandmother's funeral.
Losing Lance (Our car, Lancer) due to an accident that happened to someone else but thank god no one was hurt.
We can always replace material things but we can never bring back life and try to get or buy a new one so cherish every moment of our time with our loved ones and say I love you many times, forgive easily and be always a blessing to others, so you will be blessed with so much wonderful things.
Despite of the bad, This year...

I am thankful that I finally graduated from Nursing School.
Started a blog with with my own domain name to inspire others, that I met a lot of new friends, (my readers and from blogosphere), I am thankful for all the sponsors, clients and PR who invited me and trusted my blog.

For my blog award, radio guesting and features

I am thankful for my safe travel alone to Singapore and Malaysia.

My Family

My husband winning the 1M Metro Poker Tournament.
I am thankful to God for all the blessings! :)
Saying Good Bye to 2013 and tomorrow, is the first blank page of 365 page book. Write a good one.

Happy New Year 2014! ♥ May the year 2014 be better or the best for everyone! May God bless us all!
Tell me what you think? I would love to hear your comments and suggestions.
Much Love, Rochelle

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